Vex Robotics League
The Vex Robotics League is new to Butte County this season! IronCAL will host a series of Vex Robotics Qualifying Rounds and one Final Championship Round. The tournament is supported by high school volunteers representing Butte Built Bots under the supervision of Jon Andrew, Butte Built Bots Advisor. Winning teams will be eligible to advance to compete in other state tournaments.
VEX IQ: Chico Bot Harvest (Saturday, January 29th), Lincoln Building at Chico High, 8:30am-3pm

2021 League Participants
2021 League Participants
2021 League Participants
Open to all Butte County middle school teams. To bring a team and participate contact Mary Ellen Garrahy or Jon Andrew.

2019 League Participants
2019 League Participants
2019 League Participants
Expanded Learning Program
Stream Charter School
Girl Scouts
Boys and Girls Club
The Maker's Space of Paradise