Migrant Education - Region 2
Migrant Education is a federally funded program designed to provide supplementary educational and support services to eligible migrant students. Currently, Region 2 has a cumulative enrollment of approximately 8,000 students (ages 3-21) in 23 Northern California Counties. The migrant population consists of numerous ethnic and language groups.
Region 2 is administered though the Butte County Office of Education. The Region is divided into three Areas. Oroville serves the counties of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Placer, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, and Yuba. Woodland serves the counties of Amador, El Dorado, Sacramento, Solano, and Yolo. Santa Rosa serves the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma.

Each state is responsible for identifying and recruiting migrant children residing within its boundaries. This can be a difficult task as the children who have the most need for services may not attend school. In addition, language and cultural barriers may prevent families from advocating for services on behalf of their children, especially if they are not accustomed to requesting assistance from their children’s school. Furthermore, locations where migrant families reside may change due to changes in agriculture or in response to natural disasters affecting crop production. Therefore, it is important that states actively seek our migrant families and develop comprehensive recruitment plans that include school-based, community-based, and employer-based activities.
Migrant workers seek temporary or seasonal work in agriculture, fishing or related industries, including food processing. They follow the growing seasons across the country and are largely responsible for the cultivation and harvest of fruits, vegetables and many other food products.
A child (ages 3-21) who has not graduated from high school (or equivalency) in the United States and has moved within the last three years, due to economic necessity, with a parent or guardian who is a migrant worker. A migrant worker is a person who has moved within the last three years to work in agriculture (e.g., crops, livestock, forestry-except lumber mills) and fishing. Out of School Youth (ages 14-21) may qualify for services on their own as migrant workers. The eligibility period is three years from the date of the child’s or youth’s most recent move. Eligibility is established through an interview conducted by a Migrant Education recruiter who visits both home and employment locations where migrant workers are employed. The law states that Migrant Education services are a priority for those students whose education has been interrupted during the current school year and who are failing, or are most at risk of failing to meet state content and performance standards.
Identification and Recruitment - Quality Control Plan