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Mini-Corps Summer Indoor tutors are assigned to provide direct supplementary tutorial services to migratory students in the classroom. They work as tutors and mentors. Some Mini-Corps tutors are assigned to residential programs.
Summer indoor tutors may be involved in:
  • Individual tutoring, small and/or large group instruction
  • Regular classroom assignments
  • Special projects which are sponsored by the migrant education region(s)
  • Home school connections
  • Parent-teacher conferences
  • Curriculum development
  • Ongoing staff development
  • Tutoring/assessment and progress monitoring
  • Mentoring and serving as positive role models


The Outdoor Education Program is a summer program component within the California Mini-Corps Program designed to assist with the education of migrant students. The program provides migrant students an opportunity to experience learning outside of the classroom.
The Outdoor Education program goals for migrant students are:
1. To develop appreciation, respect and understanding of human's relationship with nature.
2. To build self-confidence, collaboration, leadership and problem-solving skills.
3. Increase understanding/knowledge base of select science and environmental education concepts.
During the week at camp, the children will participate in diverse learning activities such as journal writing, team building activities, camp fires, science based lessons presented by the Outdoor Education staff, skit development, leadership activities, guided nature hikes, cultural activities and reflection time. Children will learn to apply the five senses to the learning of science in an outdoor setting, exposing the students to "live science."


A select number of college tutors are trained as puppeteers and are assigned to multiple school districts in migrant regions that request the services.  The Mini-Corps puppetry tutors develop and conduct presentations on a variety of health and school connectedness related topics including fire safety, nutrition, hygiene, bullying, and self-esteem to address the needs highlighted by the California Healthy Kids Survey report. STEM Career Awareness presentations are also available. Mini-Corps puppeteers engage the migratory students in language arts experience through effective puppet presentations, story boards, creative expression, and multicultural experiences in English and utilizing the primary language. Through developed scripts migratory students  are provided with problem solving and critical thinking strategies.
About 20 Mini-Corps Puppetry students are trained to provide puppet presentations statewide, with teams assigned to areas where summer schools are being conducted. The students work with preschool to high school students in cooperation with the participating migrant education regions.