SBCSS Partnership

Watch the Overview Video for an insight into what our program can offer you

Future Educator Support provides guidance and assistance to aspiring teacher candidates with developing an
Individualized Pathway Plan. FES advisors, provide guidance towards a teaching credential and their personal
pathway. In addition, FES offers CBEST, CSET, RICA support through workshops, and asynchronous learning
Pathway courses
Pathway courses
Pathway courses
In an effort to support grant participants to meet credential requirements, the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS) and BCOE partnership provide targeted support through our online education pathway courses from one of our partnered community colleges: Feather River College, Mendocino College, or College of the Siskiyous. Enrollment in the SBCSS - BCOE Partnership course does not interfere with the participant’s current institution or future enrollment to their preferred institution. The SBCSS-BCOE Partnership educational pathway courses are completed in conjunction with your program of study.