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Multilingual California Project (MCaP)

Multilingual California Project Short Logo
The BCOE Team is proud to support The Multilingual California Project Grant (MCaP). MCaP is a three-year grant awarded in March 2020, to the MCaP Alliance through the California Department of Education Educator Workforce Investment Grant Program (EWIG) to support professional learning opportunities for teachers and paraprofessionals across California for the implementation of the English Learner (EL) Roadmap Policy. The Multilingual California Project builds on consistently strong research documenting multilingualism as the most effective option for the academic achievement of ELs across all content areas and for preparation to participate effectively in the global workforce.
Using a four-stage model over the course of three years, Multilingual California will provide greater statewide access to and understanding of the EL Roadmap and its implementation, while also providing guidance and support to local educational agencies (LEAs) for focused, in-depth strategic development and implementation of the EL Roadmap.
MCAP Stages Sequence


  • Build capacity among school leaders to implement the EL Roadmap Policy including implementation of culturally and linguistically responsive practices.
  • Support implementation of instructional practices that effectively develop academic content knowledge, discipline-specific practices, academic language, integrated and designated English language development, and multilingual and multiliterate proficiency.
  • Identify and emphasize high-quality models for professional development regarding the EL Roadmap Policy, including, but not necessarily limited to, providing coaching for principals, teacher leadership, and the implementation of other models to best meet the needs of school leaders.
  • Support the implementation, alignment, and articulation of the EL Roadmap Policy across and within school district systems.
  • Create a multilingual collaborative state-wide network of experts to guide systems that support the development of effective cross-curricular, disciplinary-based instructional practices for all English Learners and to support, implement, and sustain the impact of the English Learner Roadmap, aligned with CA-SS and Quality Professional Learning Standards.

Project Design

The Multilingual California Project utilizes an equity-centered, continuous improvement process called Liberatory Design, which emerged from Stanford University's Design Thinking Model, with important contributions from the National Equity Project, and guides participants to explore systemic inequities across curricular areas and within the English Learner Typologies. For more training opportunities click here.
Participating MCaP COEs and Districts
Butte County Office of Education (BCOE)
Chico Unified School District
Thermalito Elementary School District
Palermo Union Elementary School District
Hamilton Unified School District
Corning Union High School District
San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS)
San Bernardino City USD  
Colton Joint US  
Hesperia US
Barstow USD Redlands USD
Fontana USD
Rialto USD Marina Madrid 
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools (FCSS)
Golden Plains Unified School District
Laton Unified School District
Mendota Unified School District
Orange Center Unified School District
Sanger Unified School District
San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)
South Bay USD
Chula Vista Elementary School District
Jamul-Dulzura Union School District
National School District
Valley Center-Pauma Unified School District
Lemon Grove Marianna Vinson
Fallbrook Union Elementary School District 
Orange County Department of Education (OCDE)
Anaheim Elementary School District
Anaheim Union High School District


Based on the initial identification of equity gaps through the Liberatory Design framework, the LEAs will address those gaps in EL opportunities and achievement across the PK-16 pipeline by implementing key Professional Learning Innovations supporting the implementation of Principle 1 and Principle 2 of the EL Roadmap (see table below). These researched-based Professional Learning Innovations, listed in the table below, are offered by CABE and the five-county offices showcasing the capacity and strengths they bring to this project.


  • Holly Harding, EL Administrator/ Title III Regional Specialist
  • Guillermo Castillo, Senior Director
  • Diana Gomez, Associate Director
  • Josephino Gonzalez, Lead Instructor
  • Jaqueline Garcia, Educational Specialist
  • Karla Lopez, Educational Specialist
  • Ana Barron, Educational Specialist
Click here for more information on the Multilingual California Project.  
EdSource Logo
Find out more about Bilingual Teacher Pathway efforts in this EdSource Article.