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Butte Teacher Induction Logo Tree on green hills which are also pages of open book and sunrise
Butte County Office of Education prides itself on putting students first and our Teacher Induction Program is definitely no different! Our mission is to support beginning teachers in their first two years of teaching to ensure their professional success and retention in the profession. Through enhanced training, feedback, and guidance from a highly qualified mentor teacher, our participating teachers establish a system of inquiry and growth based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. In addition, our participating teachers cultivate a professional learning network that eliminates professional isolation and continues to support them as they progress throughout their educational career. Thus, Butte County Office of Education’s Teacher Induction Program produces highly qualified professionals who effectively impact student achievement and their school communities.
The Butte Teacher Induction Program is designed to provide...
  • A 2-Year Program to Eligible Teachers during thier first year of teaching
  • Individualized, Job-Embedded Support
  • Focused Mentoring Support
Who is Eligible for Induction?

Who is Eligible for Induction?

Full and Part-Time Teachers who hold a preliminary teaching credential and are listed by the employing school as the teacher of record are eligible an induction program.
Teacher pointing to the Butte Teacher Induction logo.
The Butte Teacher Induction Program offers virtual and in-person meetings.
Program Goals

Program Goals

Pie chart with seven areas including reflect monitor and adjust, identify need and plan, engage in new learning, implement new learning, reflect monitor and adjust, feedback and support, implement new learning
With the support of high-quality mentoring, collaboration, and accountability systems, the Butte County Office of Education will:
  • Retain beginning teachers through job-embedded, interactive and practical professional learning
  • Develop teachers who participate in on-going learning related to effective instructional practices, content standards, and differentiation in order to meet the diverse academic and socio-emotional needs of their students
  • Support participating teachers in developing a reflection and analysis process that changes their instructional practices in order to increase student achievement
  • Recommend eligible teachers for a California Clear Teaching credential
  • Address the California Standards for the Teaching Profession by utilizing the Individualized Learning Plan as a roadmap for the participating teacher’s work during the induction program   
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