SB 57 (Scott) provides for an Early Completion Option (ECO) for Multiple, Single Subject and Education Specialist Induction candidates. This option is as rigorous as or more rigorous than the full Induction Program, but is offered at an accelerated pace for experienced and exceptional candidates. The Butte County Teacher Induction Program’s Early Completion Option includes an individualized learning plan and evidence of completion. Upon successful completion of the Induction requirements as set forth in this policy, candidates are recommended to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for a Clear Credential.
Candidates accepted for the ECO will conference with the Program leadership and the Mentor to review expectations and timelines for early completion. During this conference, the expectations and timelines for early completion will be determined.
Missing deadlines may cause for the withdrawal of the ECO option approval. The candidate must continue to demonstrate that the ECO is appropriate. If candidates are unable to continue to demonstrate appropriate placement in the ECO, the Program Leadership may recommend the traditional induction process for the candidate.
To verify a candidate's experience and exceptionality, the following documentation is required:
- The candidate holds a preliminary education specialist, multiple or single subject credential and is employed in a California school.
- Documentation of a minimum of two years of prior teaching experience as the teacher of record in a K-12 teaching assignment is confirmed.
- Authenticated performance evaluations from two prior years of teaching, demonstrating successful teaching practices is confirmed.
- Two letters of recommendation attesting to success in teaching and appropriateness for ECO; one is from the current principal
- Documentation of work that substantiates the candidate’s experience and exceptionality. This may include a resume, certificates of completion from professional development courses, assignments, adjunct duty descriptions, etc.
The candidate must hold a preliminary education specialist, multiple or single subject credential and be employed in a California school. The intent of the law is to serve experienced and exceptional candidates.
- Contact your district induction coordinator and the Butte Teacher Induction Program of your intention to apply for the Early Completion Option.
- Submit an application packet with all needed documentation.
All of the above criteria must be met as determined by the Butte Teacher Induction Program and the employing district. In addition, the Butte Teacher Induction Program and employing district retain the right to request any additional evidence that may be necessary to determine a candidate’s appropriateness for the ECO.