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Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First

Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First
The Butte County SELPA collaborates with local educational agencies (LEAs) for the benefit of its students with disabilities, their families, and the staff who teach and support them.  
Our SELPA and member LEAs foster coordination between general and special education for prevention and early intervention for students with suspected disabilities. We ensure appropriate education and related services for individuals with disabilities by working cooperatively with other public and private agencies to support a full complement of special education services for students.  
The Butte County Office of Education is the Administrative Unit of the SELPA, and therefore serves as the legal entity that receives funds and assists with mainly fiscal and human resources functions on behalf of all SELPA member districts.  The Butte County Office of Education also authorizes BASES Learning Center, an alternative school located in Oroville, on behalf of the SELPA Governing Board.
Contact Us

Contact Us

Butte County SELPA
1870 Bird Street
Oroville, CA 95965
(530) 532-5621