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Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First

Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First

School Ties logo: A stream running through a green field

                                                                                                                                        Services Provided:
                                                                        + Educational Case Management              + Assistance with Records Transfer               + Tutoring
                                                                        + Enrollment Assistance                             + Special Education Advocacy                       + Mentoring
                                                                        + Transportation Arrangement                    + School Supplies                                          + Resource Referrals 
foster youth education

foster youth education

Foster Youth are children who have been taken from the home of their biological parents due to abuse, neglect, or any situation which makes it unsafe for them to remain in their parents' care.

While some foster youth are adopted into stable, loving homes, many more are placed into a series of temporary living situations, including short-term care, respite care, and group homes. This instability tends to severely impact student achievement. It is estimated that each time a student switches school mid-year, they are set back a semester or more in their studies.

School Ties offers a variety of services for foster youth, including tutoring, mentoring, case management and educational advocacy. Please contact us for assistance with any Butte County foster education issue.
Meagan Meloy - Senior Advisor, Statewide Training & Technical Assistance  
Phone: (530) 879-3781
Fax: (530) 879-2341
Josh Indar - Assistant Director for School Ties and District Liaison for Foster Care
Phone: (530) 879-3780
Eilene Franco Brooks, Champion Scholars Coordinator 

Marybeth Slaughter - Case Manager II, Foster Youth 
Phone: (530) 879-7480
Lisa Kelly - Administrative Assistant 
Phone (530) 879-2328
Fax (530) 879-2341
homeless education

homeless education

Homeless students are defined by the federal McKinney-Vento Act as youth who "lack a fixed, regular and adequate night time residence."
This includes:
      - Sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship
      - Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds
      - Living in emergency transitional shelters or domestic violence shelters
      - Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, etc.
      -Unaccompanied youth and runaways
      Congress has specified that students in homeless situations should have access to the same education and opportunities offered to other students. They are legally entitled to stay in their school of origin, even if they temporarily move out of their home district.                                                                                                              
    They are also entitled to:
      - Transportation to and from their school of origin
      - Immediate enrollment in any public school
      - Free school lunch
    - Dispute resolution with a district-appointed homeless liaison
Butte County 211 - Local Resources
National Center for Homeless Education
Meagan Meloy - Senior Advisor
Phone: (530) 879-3781
Fax: (530) 879-2341
Josh Indar - Assistant Director for School Ties and District Liasion for Homelessness
Phone: (530) 879-3780

Adrianne Watkins - Case Manager II, Homeless Education
Phone: (530) 879-3782

Tiffany Danger - Case Manager II, Homeless Education
Phone: (530) 276-4245
Eileen Gonzalez, Case Manager II, Homeless Education