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Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First

Butte County Office of Education

Where Students Come First




Credential Services are available for a wide range of needs. Applicants beginning a career in education can find guidance and information regarding application processing. To serve in an assignment requiring a California Credential or Permit in any school district in Butte County, it is necessary to have a valid authorization on file with this office.
Services and Information Provided include:
Dawn Christensen-Senior Credentials Analyst
1859 Bird Street, Oroville, CA 95965
Phone: (530) 532-5645
Fax: (530) 532-5787
Jen Moakley-Credentials Analyst
1859 Bird Street, Oroville, CA 95965
Phone: (530) 532-5924
Fax: (530) 532-5787
Rachel Hayes-Credentials Analyst
1859 Bird Street, Oroville, CA 95965
Phone: (530) 532-5781
Fax: (530) 532-5787