B2W Leadership
“Back 2 Work provides people in need with the necessary tools and opportunity to succeed in life. We are disrupting generational poverty with our program. It is such a unique place because not many organizations allow you to tap into your magic and encourage you to share it with the rest of the world. That is one thing that BCOE does very well, and in allowing us to do so, Back 2 Work gets to help those in need."
Kimberly Castillo, Regional Manager - Southern California
Kimberly Castillo, Regional Manager - Southern California
Kimberly Castillo, Regional Manager - Southern California
"Back 2 Work is about opportunities and second chances. It is a program that believes that anyone and everyone can do better for themselves, their families, and their communities if just provided the tools or someone to believe in them. So much inequity in society is based on keeping people down and telling individuals that what they deserve is based on where they come from or their past decisions, and that is not the case. People are not their mistakes and they are not their adversity. This program exists to give people the confidence they need to see that and to find new opportunities that can lift them out of poverty and forge a brighter future for themselves."